Its christmas again.
Another year and another sleep.
Another wish for snow, and another material list.
Another kiss from a friend,
Another night under mistletoe, hugging-bliss.
Another seasons greeting,
And another smokey fire, rising like mist,
Another night without you though.
Another heavy heart,
Another tear rolls down this cheek
Another week I spend with a cold quilt, cold feet and cold hands.
Another treat for those lovers nearby,
Another gasp when they walk past the window.
Another person by that window,
A loverless widow consumed with sorrow.
And the snow will keep falling,
And the sun will rise up,
The presents will be wrapped,
And the fire stoked up.
For at least we have a family or a person close at hand.
Maybe not your lover, partner, woman or man,
But someone there to lean on and stand by as well.
I love you, and I miss you but I know that you are thinking of me too.
Think of me this christmas as I think of you.
Thats all I demand.
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