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Comment please, I like the support and advice. Its helps my writing. Inspired by poets such as Hollie McNish, I do not write conventional poetry. It's foundation is a mix between poetry and rap, but also just my passion for writing. This, I feel, creates a variety of poems about love and hate, but also about politics and race. I am just a young man who likes to express himself with words, and maybe I can create a lasting impression on people as a bi-product. I hope you enjoy the poetry you write but more importantly, I hope that instills an emotion in you, wether you agree or disagree.

Skype Bitchiness

Just another heated discussion on skype, that got me so annoyed I had to write. 
As i click on to skype
and my hands start to type letters to friends and perhaps foes 
and the insults and compliments flow 
I take a breath and i clear it out 
And i see you pop onto the screen gibbering about naut 
Jibber Jabber with your lies and those that ties me to the ground 
like pound after pound 
Like a person in a gym trying to get thin 
and the endless track with no finishing 
And i take a deep breath and let the fight start
and the bitchiness pours like that of a tap from the heart
And all these words your coming out with seem to make no argument
And contradict the sentences you just sent 
So i bring up the homepage and formulate a trick 
Appear offline, but apparently you aiint falling for that, this time
So you keep talking, and talking, and talking 
And your words, that stream, its just annoying and I am getting so frustrated
Do you ever take a break?
Am i talking to a machine I ask myself, I sure seem
to be talking to a hunk of junk
And yes you gleem, and reflect the sun, it makes you shine
but like a nun your closed off
I’ve had enough
So I listen to some music
just to chill out, and shuffle up my itunes 
while skype goes all out, beep after beep
and you carry out the sea of insults and defaults, and crap spewing from your mouth like a fucking geyser
and for once in my life, I wish to the night sky 
and pray to a god, that might see my discomfort and take a sigh, send a sign  
realize my predicament 
and throw you off a fucking cliff 
Or maybe give me a little lift so i can fly high
High in the sky, lighter than assassins tread 
And shit on your head 
But there we go 
Thats not gonna happen, so i log out of skype
and decided to get out of this computer hype 
and dream of a scene which your not in, 
something beautiful clean and serene
a world where people are less like you and more like... 
The Queen
Little old women, i mean, like, sit there all day, and mind their own fucking business
It doesn’t seem I ask for to much, just a high self esteem
But apparently for you the world is not enough, you have to get your business out
I’m done, Im spent 
Crawl into a hole and repent your bitchiness to some god 
who will listen to you, and regard your words for more than their true form of excrement.  
Just Fuck you.