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Comment please, I like the support and advice. Its helps my writing. Inspired by poets such as Hollie McNish, I do not write conventional poetry. It's foundation is a mix between poetry and rap, but also just my passion for writing. This, I feel, creates a variety of poems about love and hate, but also about politics and race. I am just a young man who likes to express himself with words, and maybe I can create a lasting impression on people as a bi-product. I hope you enjoy the poetry you write but more importantly, I hope that instills an emotion in you, wether you agree or disagree.

Drunken Texts

This was inspired by a girl who sent me a drunken text a few nights ago. 

My extensive experience of drunken texts 
always lead to sobre regrets 
on the morning after this alcohol ridden event. 
The text i sent at 3 am 
which stated “I love you” wasn’t meant to insult you, or wake you up, 
but rather expose something true that, 
when sobre, had been covered up.
The ten vodka shots that got me to this stage 
corrupts the mind’s gauge of consequences and conscientiousness
And opens the mind up to limitless boundaries and shattered rules and ties
And these lies which i live by when the drink isn’t in my system, i no longer need to listen to. 
So, if you receive a text from me saying “I love you”, quickly followed by “It wasn’t me it was the booze” 
it is a subtle hint that the first text was true, 
and i don’t have the confidence to say it truly to you, until i am under the influence of something clear or blue.
So to the man or woman who invented this drink,
a toast. 
I think I have to thank you for helping me, be more true to others around me. 
Whether it be for better or for worse. The truth is always better in the long term.
Lies are a curse, concocted only when sobre, so we can live out our lives more simply and clearer than if we were honest with our friends and our family ties. 
And yeah so tears may be shed and ‘murphy-young hugs’ will be shared also,
And some kid may get an asbo for stealing a traffic cone because they think their room will grow in character with this orange thing in the corner, 
but shit...I like booze, and drunken texts, and telling truths while having no regrets
And maybe waking up with a dizzy head, and finding a text at the foot at the bed reading 
“What the fuck man? What are you on about?” 
You know what? Who cares. Drunken texts are great.