In lines that barely formed a page
You’ve shown pain and a strain on your heartstrings
That have been worn down and snapped.
Rearranged to a mouse trap and hung from your sleeve.
In ten minutes you’ve shown
More history of black days, and grey clouds
Than in a month of weather forecasts.
And yet,
through the scars and through the dried up tear ducts
You talk. And you smile. And you show others
Thats its not so bad.
And there are men
Who have their trophies
And their husbands and their wives.
The scarless faces smiling all the fucking time.
The statuses of love and lust,
And some sort of love that seems disguised.
For most, they’d be disgusted
Looking at their own beating heart in the mirror.
Rusted and busted.
But while yours may be hanging on just barely, beating weakly
You’ll find someone who’ll will repair it.
So keep smiling.
And keep hoping, looking at the clouds.
You’ve been through so much,
So many leaps and bounds.
And now, you may not have what you’ve wanted for so long.
But just wait, you’ll get what you deserve, because you’ve been through hell
and more.
Thank you x