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Comment please, I like the support and advice. Its helps my writing. Inspired by poets such as Hollie McNish, I do not write conventional poetry. It's foundation is a mix between poetry and rap, but also just my passion for writing. This, I feel, creates a variety of poems about love and hate, but also about politics and race. I am just a young man who likes to express himself with words, and maybe I can create a lasting impression on people as a bi-product. I hope you enjoy the poetry you write but more importantly, I hope that instills an emotion in you, wether you agree or disagree.

Thursday, 13 December 2012

I'm Not That Kind Of Man

You are standing there 
Holding out for something that may not,
will not and must not happen. 
I will not be lying naked beside you in bed
stroking your head, combing your hair, blissfully saying 
‘Oh that was the best sex ever” 
I will not be kissing you, day and night and night and day
Telling you I love you more than say, two friends would say
Because, I am not that kind of man. Ok?

Now its not that I am a heartbreaker, emotion slayer, raper of ‘true love’,
But I really don’t think I could ever do what you’re asking me to do
Because I am not that kind of man. 
I am not a prick, i’m not liar, 
nor any other words you wanna paint on me
I have been completely honest, communicated fully, fluent. 
So when we sit, and have this conversation, and you turn to me and you 
formulate sentences with punctuation that says to me, I hate you. 
I’m sitting here, being like, what the fuck did I do. Apart from exist? 

And your friends will support you, judge me. 
I did wrong, you were right. You were being honest with your feelings 
and he, like a cunt, cut them up, and left them to rot. 
I really do fail to see how I am the bad guy. 
How could you begin to like this kind of ‘bad’ guy anyway?

What I’m most afraid of is this balance between friend and fancy being tipped towards unrequited romancing, and seeing me with someone else will spark a jealous feeling in one’s self, in ones head or in ones heart. 
And somehow this friendship will then go to the dogs because again, “You are not thinking how i’d feel, you are not being a friend because your doing it in front of my face” 
Well I am really sorry, that I am not the kind of guy you want, but you still want me, and still want me to want you a lot. 
My god. 

I really do want to be your friend. 
But if you can’t cope with the fact that I’d drive your emotions like a Audi TT, round the bend and fly of a cliff and deep into the sea. 
Then I can see that friends is not really a possibility. 
And yes, and I am sorry, though apparently you don’t see that fact. 
And I really wish is was more simple, 
but I am assume your feelings are either momentary infatuation, or something worse. 
And I’ll be honest, I don’t know what to do because, 
Well because you’re confusing. 
And you’re are of those people who prefer to say nothing than say something, so they can sort a situation in their head before sorting it with the other person that is involved. The guy who you want to wake up beside in your bed by the way.

But fine, just sort it. Please. If you think you can. 
Just sort it. 

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