You say you’re not involved,
Not part of this, thats come about
And yet you benefit from the chapters
That have been written out
About him and you, a tale of a secret pair under big blue bed sheets.
You say its not your business
That you can wash your hands clean of this
Mess, and sweep it out the door of your house.
Down the path and into rubbish bags
that build up by the front gate.
You say you wouldn’t cheat,
Wouldn’t love two men and lie to one.
That you felt shame and sadness when you did it once
And that you’d never go back and repeat the experience
But there was a ring on that finger,
And a vow between two lovers,
That you broke,
That you undid and that you can’t do back up.
There was a trust between those lovers
That you cut down and you trod on
And you did it with your hand in his.
And yes he did it too,
And is to blame just like you,
But you could give respect to the lover who never knew
about this situation that, to him, came out of the blue.
You could do it for the stranger,
the one you don’t know, for maybe now,
you’ll make him feel the pain that you felt once before.
But you are just a man,
Maybe nothing more, maybe nothing less.
But respect for those you don’t know
deserve the respect you give the rest.
We hurt the same,
And need the same trust.
We need a tender touch gloved by lust.
We just need to know that we have it good.
That we can trust strangers to say no
When our trust is ambushed.
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