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Comment please, I like the support and advice. Its helps my writing. Inspired by poets such as Hollie McNish, I do not write conventional poetry. It's foundation is a mix between poetry and rap, but also just my passion for writing. This, I feel, creates a variety of poems about love and hate, but also about politics and race. I am just a young man who likes to express himself with words, and maybe I can create a lasting impression on people as a bi-product. I hope you enjoy the poetry you write but more importantly, I hope that instills an emotion in you, wether you agree or disagree.

Wednesday, 29 February 2012

I wonder.

I wonder if, your head is filled with 
Thoughts of words you want to say, like mine. 
I’m wondering if my schedules are just more blank than yours,
while you have 24 hours, maybe I have four more.
I’m wondering if you prioritize our game of words
Like I do. 
I’m wondering if with every passing day, 
you feel a little guilt that you have yet to say what you want to say. 
I’ve said what I can, 
i’ve been the writing man, 
placed my words in your hand.
Spent the time and written out within the seconds that I can.
And yet, 
I’ve written to a black hole, a full scroll, with a hand that is my own
And a tongue that you’ve seen grow. 
I wonder if you’ve given thought,
To the fact that its not a chore, 
But just a high show of care and more.
And maybe to you a reply doesn’t seem that important,
doesn’t seem to matter, but god, 
I just wanna see that it does to you 
and that your head is like mine, 
thoughts of words that you want to say like mine. 
But I will just continue to wonder, 
And continue to stare, towards the thin air, 
that stands between your fingers and your page. 
I’ll wait, and wait, and nothing will change.
And i’ll still be here, standing, sitting 
Waiting for some words from your hand, your month,
appearing on your page from your mind. 
I’m sorry that to me words are important. 

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